2007 年 12 月 的封存










Vista Start Menu 內「最近開啟的程式」捷徑失效的解決辦法


不知還有沒有人記得我曾經問過, 我那部電腦 (Vista) 的Recently Opened Programs (Inside Start Menu) 內有部份捷徑無法使用? (按下去沒反應) , 那些Shortcut都是 "Windows Installer Shortcut" (MSI), 其他的普通Shortcut 則運作正常。

More info about MSI Shortcut: http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B243630&x=11&y=13

我一直都以為是我曾經使用過一些Cleaner程式導致那些問題, 但原來是由第三方軟件引起的…

事緣我在這個網頁: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/slowrightclick.htm 發現了
"Unable to launch applications from the recent programs list in the Windows Vista Start menu."

於是我照著網頁的教學去嘗試, 下載了那個ShellExView 軟件, 終於發現了.. 是Foxy引起的問題 (附圖)。將Foxy的Context Menu Disable 後 (我把Foxy Delete了), 所有捷徑都恢復正常了!!

還未知會否有其他軟件引致相同的情況, 不過上網找了一下其實都沒太多人有我這個問題..

Windows Installer Shortcut Problem Fix

難道… 是我這個人的問題嗎? XDD


[ 軟件相關 ] Google Desktop 不能使用預設 Browser @ Vista 的解決方法


這是在Google Desktop Help 找到的:

Good news, I fixed my own problem!

So here’s the deal for anybody who experienced the same problem as me.

First, I should point out that you should really try the "set IE as default browser, then reset Firefox as default browser" trick BEFORE messing with the following. It will probably fix your problem. If not, then you can try this.
( By 涼粉: 我已經在 Vista Business EN 試過了以上方法, 失敗了 )

Basically what happened to me is that some keys of the registry weren’t changed to reflect the new default browser. Is it Firefox that thinks he’s the default when he is not? Is it Vista that prohibit him from changing these values? I have no clue! Anyway, here’s what you need to do to fix it.
( By 涼粉: 這個會是 Vista 的 Bug 嗎? )

1. Hit and hold the "Windows Key" on your keyboard and hit "R".
2. In the box than opens up, type "regedit" (without the quotes) and hit "Enter".
3. Now you are in your registry. Be careful, you don’t want to mess with anything in here if you don’t know what you are doing!
4. In the folder tree view, navigate to: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOThttpshell opencommand
5. In the right pane, you will see something like "(Default) REG_SZ "C: Program FilesInternet ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE" %1 If you see the path to your Firefox installation here then your problem is probably elsewhere! If not… move on to step 6.
6. Double click on (Default). This will bring up a little box to modify this key’s data.
7. Replace everything in the "Value data:" box with this: C: PROGRA~1MOZILL~1FIREFOX.EXE -url "%1" -requestPending Two important notes here: 1. This should be the path to your Firefox.exe file if you didn’t change the default destination when you installed Firefox. If you did change it, you will need to change this as well. 2. If you need to change it, make sure you use the "MSDOS friendly" path. Your path cannot contain spaces here.
( By 涼粉: 這裏應該使用 Full Path, 不知該作者為什麼建議使用 "MSDOS Friendly" path? Vista 使用 full path 是完全沒問題的。
示例: "C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe" -url "%1" -requestPending )

8. Now navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOThttpshellopenddeexec Application This should be just below the "command" directory we were in a second ago.
9. Follow the same steps to change this value here. It should currently be set to "IExplore". We want it to be "Firefox". Change it and hit OK.
10. Now, we need to do the same thing for "https"… which is for encrypted HTTP connections. This is exactly the same steps except that you need to navigate to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOThttps…." instead of "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOThttp…"

So there you go! You shouldn’t have to reboot or restart GDS, it should work automatically. If it doesn’t, you can try rebooting and that should do it.

I tried to be as "newbie-friendly" as I could. Hope I was! If you got any questions, just post them here and I’ll try to help you out. Please remember again that you can broke your whole Windows installation by messing with your registry so stick to what is explained here if you don’t know what you are doing! Enjoy!

Ref. http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Desktop_Something-Broken/msg/ed322c05c895e637

十二月 2007